We’re about to have a weekend that involves way to many W’s. A wonderful whiskey warmup weekend, to be precise. And it’s all KOVAL’s fault.
You see, they combine generations of distilling knowledge with innovative techniques to craft organic whiskey right here in sweet home Chicago. And we just can’t get enough!
So suddenly, we don’t just have pours of their single barrel bourbon whiskey available. We’ve also added their millet single barrel, rye single barrel, and four grain single barrel whiskeys to the mix.
Let’s see, 1, 2, 3, that makes 4! And you know what 4 means…

That’s right, folks. We’re launching delicious warm-up whiskey flights this weekend, for exactly as long as they last.
Flights are $20 for 4 1-ounce pours. (Unless you’re a Firstie and come in this weekend…psst, Firsties, check your inboxes.)
And you know what goes great with whiskey? Our bestie, beer. Specifically, one of the 14 hyper-local brews we have on tap today.
What better way to warm up your fall nights?
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